"Ufomammut is gonna play about 30 gigs in the next months, starting in July as official support band of Neurosis in 7 dates of their european tour and ending in September/October with a long tour to say goodbye to Eve.
You can check the details in the live page clicking here. We’re excited to be on the road in July, playing with Neurosis is a real honor for us.
Neurosis are one of the most important and influential entity in heavy music and obviously it’ll be great for Ufomammut to play before them during their summer tour. But sharing the same stage has even a more special meaning for us. We surely grew up in different places , we have different background and different experiences but we feel like our attitudes are very close and similar, beyond the mere musical aspect: that’s why we are honored and pleased by Neurosis invitation.
In the meantime we’re working hard on the new stuff, we’re developing the new record and the idea is to enter the studio in July.We’re very happy cause we’re creating a lot of material and it’s something totally different from the past experiences: the sound, the approach, the result.
We’ve lots of ideas and we’ll keep You posted in the next weeks.
And just to make You happy, a reprint of Snailking cd will be out in the next weeks, finally.
It’s all for now.
See You on the road soon!"
Tour coi Neurosis, disco con Neurot...nel caso non si fosse ancora capito, questi fanno il botto! Non avevo bene in mente l'appeal della band all'estero fino a pochi mesi fa, ma ne ho avuta una dimostrazione al Roadburn 2011, quando la coda per il loro show al Midi Theatre ha raggiunto dimensioni titaniche. In bocca al lupo!